Mad Fate
Mad Fate | Soi Cheang | HK 2023 | 108 Min

Das Schicksal ist, wie man weiß, ein mieser Hund. In Soi Cheangs meisterlich gewobenem, atmosphärisch gialloeskem Thriller finden sich gleich mehrere Figuren in einem Vexierspiel wieder. Ein Wahrsager, eine Sexarbeiterin, ein Serienmörder und ein Lieferjunge, allesamt namenlos, finden zufallsbedingt zusammen und verlieren sich wieder inmitten eines irrlichternden Hong Kong. Mad Fate, ein Komplementärstück zu Cheangs famosem Durchbruchsfilm Accident, ist so tiefgründig wie vielschichtig wie hanebüchen, jedenfalls immer in Bewegung und so wenig vorhersehbar wie das Leben selbst. (mk)
Soi Cheang
Cheang, Pou-soi was born in Macau and grew up in Hong Kong. Working his way up in the industry, he first was an assistant director on B-movies until working for the legendary Ringo Lam. His first major feature was Diamond HIll (2000). Other memorable films include the actioner Dog Bite Dog, the Monkey King trilogy and the revenge thriller Limbo (2021). A retrospective of his work, including his latest movie, Mad Fate, was shown this spring at the Hong Kong IFF.
Cheang, Pou-soi was born in Macau and grew up in Hong Kong. Working his way up in the industry, he first was an assistant director on B-movies until working for the legendary Ringo Lam. His first major feature was Diamond HIll (2000). Other memorable films include the actioner Dog Bite Dog, the Monkey King trilogy and the revenge thriller Limbo (2021). A retrospective of his work, including his latest movie, Mad Fate, was shown this spring at the Hong Kong IFF.