Riddle of Fire
Riddle of Fire | Weston Razooli | US 2023 | 114 Min
Herzallerliebste Anrufung von Kinderabenteuerfilmen aus den Siebziger- und Achtziger-Jahren ist Riddle of Fire, die in grobkörnigen, fast traumartigen Bildern eingefangene, weil auf 16mm-Film gedrehte Geschichte einiger Kids, die eigentlich nur das neueste Konsolenspiel zocken wollen. Doch Muttern hat den Fernseher passwortgeschützt und rückt den Code erst dann raus, wenn ihr die aufmüpfigen Knirpse einen Blaubeerkuchen aus der Bäckerei gebracht haben. Die folgende Odyssee, in der schließlich auch eine Hexe, böse Buben und Eier eine Rolle spielen, inszeniert Regisseur Weston Razooli voller Inbrunst und Sehnsucht. Bezaubernd! (mk)
Weston Razooli
Razooli, Weston is a filmmaker whom Variety called “a world-builder”. Citing Hayao Miyazaki, Akira Kurosawa and François Truffaut as his influences, the Utah native studied illustration, graphic design and fashion to apply them to his movies. He made a string of music videos and shorts, including the fable Anaxia, a title that also became the name of his production company. His feature debut, the neo-fairytale Riddle of Fire, was selected for the Director’s Fortnight 2023 in Cannes.
Razooli, Weston is a filmmaker whom Variety called “a world-builder”. Citing Hayao Miyazaki, Akira Kurosawa and François Truffaut as his influences, the Utah native studied illustration, graphic design and fashion to apply them to his movies. He made a string of music videos and shorts, including the fable Anaxia, a title that also became the name of his production company. His feature debut, the neo-fairytale Riddle of Fire, was selected for the Director’s Fortnight 2023 in Cannes.
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