Scanners | David Cronenberg | CA 1981 | 99 Min

Teil von An Evening with Michael Ironside
David Cronenbergs kommerzieller Durchbruchsfilm mag sich vor allem durch den von FX-Wiz Chris Walas wundervollst umgesetzten Kopfplatz-Effekt ins (pop)kulturelle Gedächtnis geschraubt haben, ist aber insgesamt feiste Weiterentwicklung der regisseurseigenen Mutationsromantik. Scanners sind telepathisch und/oder telekinetisch Hochbegabte, die entweder vom industriellen Komplex verwertbar gemacht werden oder sich, wie Michael Ironsides hochcharismatischer Terroristenführer Darryl Revok, in den militanten Untergrund zurückgezogen haben, von wo aus sie den Weltumsturz planen. Visionär! (mk)
In Anwesenheit von Michael Ironside (actor)
David Cronenberg
Cronenberg, David has single-handedly shaped the body horror genre with cult classics like Scanners, Videodrome, The Fly or eXistenZ. However, he is equally known for his dramas, which include A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and, of course, Naked Lunch. Born in 1943, he is the recipient of a myriad of prizes, including the Cannes Film Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006 and the honorary Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival in 2018. His movies have garnered a dedicated following and inspired generations of young filmmakers.
Cronenberg, David has single-handedly shaped the body horror genre with cult classics like Scanners, Videodrome, The Fly or eXistenZ. However, he is equally known for his dramas, which include A History of Violence, Eastern Promises and, of course, Naked Lunch. Born in 1943, he is the recipient of a myriad of prizes, including the Cannes Film Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2006 and the honorary Golden Lion at the Venice International Film Festival in 2018. His movies have garnered a dedicated following and inspired generations of young filmmakers.