Tarantula | Jack Arnold | US 1955 | 80 Min
© Park Circus/Universal
Teil von Lange Nacht der Spinnen
Um der zu erwartenden Ernährungskrise aufgrund einer rasant steigenden Weltbevölkerung etwas entgegenzusetzen, entwickelt ein entgrenzter Wissenschaftler ein Riesenwuchs-Serum. Ein Brand in seinem Labor beendet das Experiment, doch eine Spinne entkommt und entwickelt sich schnell zum gewaltigen Monstrum. Meisterregisseur Jack Arnold setzt bei seinem Big-Bug-Klassiker auf eine nach wie vor beglückende Abmischung aus klassischen Sci-Fi-Tropen und dem Urschreck der titelgebenden Tarantula, die vermittels feiner Trickkunst durch die Wüsten-Einöde stampft. (mk)
Jack Arnold
Arnold, Jack (1916–1992) is cherished to this day as the director of several genre classics. His star rose in the 1950s, when he joined Universal Studios and made the iconic It Came from Outer Space, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Tarantula, and The Incredible Shrinking Man in quick succession. Abandoning sci-fi, he made the comedic classic The Mouse That Roared in 1959 and increasingly turned toward TV. Later on, the 1970s saw him making the occasional blaxploitation (Boss Nigger) or sexploitation film.
Arnold, Jack (1916–1992) is cherished to this day as the director of several genre classics. His star rose in the 1950s, when he joined Universal Studios and made the iconic It Came from Outer Space, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Tarantula, and The Incredible Shrinking Man in quick succession. Abandoning sci-fi, he made the comedic classic The Mouse That Roared in 1959 and increasingly turned toward TV. Later on, the 1970s saw him making the occasional blaxploitation (Boss Nigger) or sexploitation film.