Calamity of Snakes
Ren she da zhan | William Chang Kee (= Chi Chang) | TW/HK 1982 | 86 Min

Upon finding a well-stocked snake pit on the construction site of a high-end apartment complex, its main investor is quick to have the animals killed. But the atrocity has consequences for the tenants. Soon after moving in, they find themselves terrorized by hundreds of hissing, wriggling reptiles. Grindhouse luminary Chi Chang, who rose to fame with Bruce(Lee)sploitation flicks, lands several, often obnoxiously low punches in the down-and-dirty Calamity of Snakes. But he also mesmerizes with an unholy frenzy of images and many WTF moments. (mk)
Warning: This film contains depictions of violence against and the non-simulated killing of animals.
William Chang Kee (= Chi Chang)
Chang, Chi had his greatest success as a specialist for martial-arts fare in the 1970s and early ’80s. After graduating from the DOP position, he directed films like The Story of the Dragon, Death Duel of Kung Fu, and Ninja vs. Shaolin Guards, but also ventured into creature-feature territory with Calamity of Snakes. Chang Kee, William see Chang, Chi
Chang, Chi had his greatest success as a specialist for martial-arts fare in the 1970s and early ’80s. After graduating from the DOP position, he directed films like The Story of the Dragon, Death Duel of Kung Fu, and Ninja vs. Shaolin Guards, but also ventured into creature-feature territory with Calamity of Snakes. Chang Kee, William see Chang, Chi